Welcome to Tweed Seagulls’ Coach Education Hub

At Tweed Seagulls, we believe in the power of continuous learning and development for coaches. Our Coach Education program is designed to empower coaches within our catchment area to enhance their skills, knowledge, and confidence, ultimately leading to improved player development.

Why Coach Development Matters

Coach development is integral to player development. A well-equipped and knowledgeable coach can significantly impact a player’s growth and performance. By investing in our coaches, we aim to create a strong foundation for player development in our local community.

Learning Opportunities Provided in our Coaching Hub

We offer a range of resources and opportunities for coaches to engage in ongoing self-improvement and development:

Seminars, Clinics, and Q&A’s: Attend coaching seminars and clinics led by experienced coaches. Topics cover a wide range of areas, including technical skills, game strategies, player management, and more. Our seminars also provide opportunities for attending coaches to ask questions on all aspects of Rugby League they’d like to increase their knowledge and understanding on.

Coaching Resources: Access educational materials, including articles, videos, and training drills, through our evolving library of resources. Stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in coaching by signing up to our Coaching Education Hub Newsletter.

Immersion Program: Attend and learn from the experience of attending a Hostplus Cup training session to enhance your coaching knowledge and skills.

Collaborative Opportunities: Engage with fellow coaches, share ideas, and build professional connections through our Coach Education Hub. Our aim is to foster a supportive network of coaches who can collectively exchange experiences and knowledge, enhancing coaching methods within our local community.

Play Rugby League Resources: Visit the website Coaching Resources – Play Rugby League or download the MyLeague App to access various resources for coaches. The website or app is a great learning portal that covers an array of subject areas including warm-ups, skills, how to structure a training session, coaching interviews, & coaching points. Visit this website or download the app to improve and enhance your coaching knowledge and skills.

Join Us in Elevating Coaching Standards

Ready to take your coaching skills to the next level? Explore our upcoming events and resources to kickstart your journey towards becoming a better coach. Join us in shaping the future of rugby league on the Gold Coast and Northern Rivers Regions.

For inquiries and further information, please contact us at [email protected]

Let’s empower coaches. Let’s inspire players. Let’s make a difference together. #StrongerTogether