Experience the Tradition

Tweed Heads Seagulls Draft Operational Plan – 2018

Message from the CEO

The Tweed Heads Seagulls is at a critical juncture. 2017 was a challenging year and despite top four finishes from our lower grades, our on field performances, have been below expectations. Our off field performance – commercial and financial operations and fan and community engagement – has also been below the standard that a club, playing at our level expects.

We recently released The Tweed Heads Seagulls 2017-2022 Strategic Plan – a blueprint for the Club’s operations for the next five years. The strategy is underpinned by six Key Performance Areas (KPAs) which provide the fundamental framework for delivery of the Club’s objectives.

The KPAs – Football Operations, Commercial Operations, Finance and Governance, People and Culture, Fan and Community Engagement, Facilities and Infrastructure – define where we aim to be in five years’ time and in this document, we plot our first steps toward reaching that destination.

At the forefront, our overarching purpose is “to create sustainable pathways and opportunities for Rugby League Players to play at the highest level of Rugby League possible”.  Our strategy is focused on delivering consistent and sustainable performances which will provide perennial opportunities for State Cup Success.

Great players need great facilities and one of our priority objectives for 2018 is to secure our long term tenure at Piggabeen Sports Complex and develop a masterplan for the facility, in conjunction with Tweed Shire Council. We want to work with Council and other partners including The State Government to turn Piggabeen into a leading regional sporting facility. Paramount to this in 2018 is to source funds to build a multi-purpose facility consisting of a new gymnasium, office space and public toilets.

Many people in Tweed would not be aware that such high quality Rugby League competition – the second highest in Australia – is being played in their backyards and this plan aims to change that by looking at ways that we can better engage with our fans, members and the local community.

As a club we are positive about our future and our new management team, coach and development staff are passionate and determined to deliver this plan and make Tweed Heads Seagulls great again.

About this Plan

This plan identifies how the Seagulls will deliver the Tweed Heads Seagulls Strategic Plan 2017 – 2022 during 2018. It details:

  • What we want to achieve – Our Objectives
  • How we will achieve it – How we will achieve our Objectives in 2018
  • How we will measure our success – Our 2018 Targets

The Operational Plan identifies the need to develop specific Action Plans to support key objectives.

About us

Tweed Heads Seagulls Rugby League Football Club (RLFC) was established in 1908. The club has four grades: First Grade, A-Grade, under 20s ‘Colts’ and under 18s.

The Seagulls is based at Piggabeen Sports Complex in Tweed Heads West, Northern NSW and uniquely,

Our First Grade team play in the Queensland State Cup (Intrust Super Cup) competition. Seagulls is an NRL affiliate feeder club to the Gold Coast Titans NRL Club. We have a close a partnership with the Tweed Heads Seagulls Juniors Club and provide pathways for adults and juniors from the local region into the NRL system.

Our Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values

Our Purpose

To create sustainable pathways and opportunities for Rugby League Players to play at the highest level of Rugby League Possible.

Our Vison

To be a competitive and sustainable club that is successful and respected amongst the community.

Our Mission

  1. Provide pathways to nurture grassroots and elite football talent for on-field success
  2. Be seen as the club for children and seniors from the region to aspire to play for
  3. Attract and retain the best athletes by providing first rate player conditions and career pathways
  4. Employ the best people and harness technology to become a professional and efficient organisation
  5. Provide friendly, exciting and inspiring experiences for members, fans and local communities
  6. Develop programs to promote healthy lifestyles with a particular focus on obesity and mental health

Our Values

  • Professionalism
  • Inclusiveness
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Accountability

Key Performance Areas

Our Key Performance Areas translate our goals and our approach into action.

We have identified six key performance areas that underpin the success of the club for future development:

They are:

  1. Football Operations
  2. Commercial Operations
  3. Finance and Governance
  4. People and Culture
  5. Fan and Community Engagement
  6. Facilities and Infrastructure

In this Operational Plan we have addressed each Key Performance Area and articulated each one’s specific:

  • Goal
  • Objectives
  • Actions
  • Due Date
  • Staff Responsible
  • Our 2018 Targets

Football Operations

Goal: For the Tweed Heads Seagulls to consistently play finals football in all competitions


  • On-Field Performance – Deliver consistent top four finishes from 2018
  • Pathways – develop a Pathways Action Plan before the 2018 season and seek funds to employ a Pathways Officer
  • Recruitment and retention – Produce a player Retention and Recruitment Action Plan to include clubs, schools and the local community
  • Juniors – develop a joint Seagulls Juniors and Seniors Action Plan in conjunction with Seagulls JRL
  • High Performance Culture – Develop a High Performance Culture Action Plan.
  • Female Rugby League – develop Female Rugby League Strategy and commence implementation to ensure we commence our female rugby league program in the 209 season.
  • Player Wellbeing – develop Player Wellbeing Action Plan to assist players to become rounded individuals

How we will achieve our Objectives in 2018

ActionObjectiveDue DateStaff Responsible Our 2018 Targets
Develop a playing squad that will provide us improved on-field performanceOn-Field PerformanceSept 2018Coach, CEO• First Grade to play Intrust Suer Cup finals football in 2018
• Colts and A-Grade to achieve top four finishes
High Performance Culture Action Plan
To include:
o Strength and conditioning team
o Physios and interns in sports medicine
o Use of Technology
o Ensuring coaches and trainers have access to latest training, tools and technologies
On-Field Performance

High Performance Culture
Plan developed by end 2018.

Implementation ongoing and reviewed annually.

Baseline Application Implemented by end 2018.
Coach, CEO• First Grade to play Intrust Suer Cup finals football in 2018
• Colts and A-Grade to achieve top four finishes
• Baseline application implemented before 2018 season
Pathways Action Plan
To include:
o Strategic relationships with clubs in Tweed and Southern Gold Coast
o Schools partnerships
PathwaysPlan developed by end 2018.

Implementation ongoing and reviewed annually.
Junior Pathways Manager• Host a forum for all junior and senior clubs in the region an develop mutually beneficial partnerships/MOUs with them
Seagulls Juniors and Seniors Amalgamation Action Plan
(subject to Juniors agreement to proceed)
JuniorsPlan developed by mid-2018.CEO• Commence discussions during 2018 season
Female Rugby League Action PlanFemale Rugby LeaguePlan developed by mid 2018.

Implementation ongoing
CEO• Hold Tweed Heads Seagulls female Rugby league program launch in 2018
• Female Rugby League Program ready for launch by end 2018
Player Wellbeing Action PlanPlayer WellbeingPlan developed by mid-2018

Implementation ongoing.
Wellbeing Manager• A trained and qualified staff member to have responsibility to implement Wellbeing activities in accordance with QRL Standards
Player Manual
To include:
o General Information
o Code of conduct
o Drug and alcohol
o Social media
o Sponsors
Player Wellbeing

High Performance Culture
January 2018CEO

Wellbeing Manager
• Player Manual read by all players prior to start of 2018 season.
• No breaches of player manual for 2018 season.
NRL Affiliate Agreement with Gold Coast Titans reviewed and formalised PathwaysEnd 2017CEO

Commercial Operations

Goal: Sustainable commercial growth and profitability for football and non-football operations


  • Partnerships – Strengthen existing and formulate new partnerships
  • Grants & Funding – develop Grants and Funding Action Plan and calendar to include major one off grants (e.g. multi-purpose facility), one off grants and annual recurring grants.
  • Sponsorship – Develop sponsorship Action Plan and targets for 2018 season
  • Revenue Streams – Review all current revenue streams and develop Revenue Stream Action Plan (e.g. membership, events) to maximise profitability
  • Staff – Identify staffing requirements to deliver strategy and Action Plans and source funding and revenue to fund staff

How we will achieve our Objectives in 2018

ActionObjectiveDue DateStaff Responsible Our 2018 Targets
Grants and Funding Action Plan
To include:
o Major Grant Funding for multi-purpose Facility
o Minor recurring grant funding e.g. equipment, marketing and promotion, events, training and development, technology
Grants & FundingPlan developed by December 2017.

Implementation ongoing and reviewed annually.
Marketing and Partnerships Manager• Apply for Infrastructure Grant funding for multi-purpose facility in May 2018 round.
• If unsuccessful reapply in later 2018 rounds or in other grant rounds.
• Secure additional grant funding e.g. equipment, marketing and promotion, events, training and development, technology
Sponsorship Action PlanSponsorship Plan developed by June 2018Sponsorship and Wellbeing Manger• Increase sponsorship revenue for 2018
Partnerships Action Plan
To include review and strengthening existing partnerships:
o Tweed Shire Council
o Norths
o Seagulls
o Gold Coast Titans

New Partnerships
o NSW Government
PartnershipsPlan developed by July 2018

Implementation ongoing
Marketing and Partnerships Manager• Present Seagulls Strategic Plan and Operational Plan to all key partners and formalise agreements with them.
• Present Strategic Plan to Local Member and meet with ministers and advisors and key departmental staff
Revenue Streams Action Plan
To include
o Gate receipts
o Hospitality and Events
o Merchandise
Revenue StreamsSeptember 2018Sponsorship and Wellbeing Manger
Marketing and Partnerships Manager
• New revenue streams identified for implementation in 2019 season
• Non grant club revenue to grow by 10% annually
StaffStaffJune 2018CEO• Ensure adequate funding and revenue to retain all staff required to deliver Strategic and Operational Plans

Finance and Governance

Goal: Financial strength through sound finance and governance practices


  • Profitability – maximising profitability of all commercial offerings
  • Revenue – Investigating additional non-football revenue streams
  • Financial Management – review Financial Management practices and identify areas for improvement
  • Governance – review Seagulls constitution and governance practices, structures and frameworks to ensure they meet QRL minimum standards guidelines
  • Business processes – leverage best practice (e.g. QRL, Titans) finance, governance and business processes to create efficiencies.
  • Risks – identify risks and implement risk mitigation strategies
  • Technology – investigate use of technologies to gain efficiencies

How we will achieve our Objectives in 2018

ActionObjectiveDue DateStaff Responsible Our 2018 Targets
• Undertake review and develop recommendations for the following:
o Financial Management practices
o Governance Practices (incl. constitution)
o Business Processes
o Risk Management
o Use of Technology
Financial Management
Business Process
June 2018CEO

Marketing and Partnerships Manager
• Compliance with QRL governance, policy and operational standards
• Develop the following Action Plans outlined in ‘Commercial Operations’:
o Grants and Funding
o Sponsorship
o Partnerships
o Revenue Streams
Financial Management
As per ‘Commercial Operations’.As per ‘Commercial Operations’.• To deliver revenue, sponsorship and sales growth as per targets in ‘Commercial Operations’ targets

Fan and Community Engagement

Goal: For our fans and all members of the Seagulls community to love their Seagulls experience



  • To increase the attendances at Intrust Super Cup, A-Grade and Reserves games.
  • Attract and develop community based participation
  • Increasing customer interaction via a healthy and engaging online culture, and revitalised relationships with our fans
  • Develop and implement a media strategy that profiles Seagulls in non-sporting media, events and activities
  • Expand the Seagulls presence in Tweed and Southern GC – sport and no sporting – through strategic Communications, Media, Marketing and Events

How we will achieve our Objectives in 2018

ActionObjectiveDue DateStaff Responsible Our 2018 Targets
• Game Day Attendance Action Plan
To include:
o How to increase attendance
o Review of gate Process for 2018 season and develop recommendations
Sponsorship and Welfare Manager
Marketing and Partnerships Manager
• Survey fans twice during season (June and Sept) -
• Increase attendance for 2018

(measures will be put in place during 2018 season to accurately measure attendance and set benchmarks for 2019 onwards)
• Community Engagement Action Plan
To include:
o Residents in the immediate vicinity of the ground
o People with a disability
o schools, clubs, community groups and other sporting groups

(leverage Titans Community Engagement)
FansPlan developed by April 2018.

Implementation ongoing.
Strategy and Partnerships Manager

• More people from the local community attending games
• Hold three community awareness themed rounds of the Intrust Super Cup in 2018:
o Women in league
o Indigenous
o Mental Health


  • Develop a membership strategy and program that focuses on recruitment, retention and member servicing and review annually
  • Allocate sufficient resources to ensure program’s success and high member retention rates
  • Establish a database/CRM for supporters, volunteers, members, sponsors and players and investigate opportunities to leverage partner

How we will achieve our Objectives in 2018

ActionObjectiveDue DateStaff Responsible Our 2018 Targets
• Membership Action Plan:
To include:
o Old Boys membership
o Players, sponsors, partners memberships
o Recruitment and retention strategy
May – Sept 2018CEO• Develop membership program during for launch in 2019
• Hold 2 members events during the season
• Review current ‘member’ lists and produce report with recommendations for how to consolidate
• Investigate CRM options
FansJune – Dec 2018Marketing and Partnerships Manager• Implement members database/CRM by end 2018


  • To develop a strategy to recruit, retain and educate sufficient volunteers to support club operations and activities
  • Ensure there is dedicated paid employee support for volunteers
  • Volunteers will have the competencies necessary to fulfil their specific roles within the club and provide them with a safe and supportive environment
  • Leverage community networks, government, NGO’s and partners (e.g. Titans) to increase volunteers numbers and retention

How we will achieve our Objectives in 2018

ActionObjectiveDue DateStaff Responsible Our 2018 Targets
Communications and Marketing Action Plan
To include:
o Marketing
o Advertising
Communications, Marketing Media and Social MediaDecember 2018Marketing and Partnerships Manager

• More people at our games
• More people engaged online
• More members
• More players
• Increased media/social exposure
Media and social media Action Plan
To include:
o Social Media
o PR
o Traditional and Online media
Communications, Marketing Media and Social MediaDecember 2018Marketing and Partnerships Manager

• More people at our games
• More people engaged online
• More members
• More players
• Increased media and social exposure
Events Action Plan:
To include:
o Gameday events
o Community Events
o Special Events
Communications, Marketing Media and Social MediaMay 2018 Marketing and Partnerships Manager
• Six events held by end 2018
• Review club branding and provide recommendations Communications, Marketing Media and Social MediaDecember 2018CEO

Marketing and Partnerships Manager
• Branding review complete and presented to board by December 2018

Social Inclusion

  • Develop Community Strategic Plan Plans that considers, amongst other things, better ways to engage women, the local community, children and members of ethnically and culturally diverse communities
  • Ensure that adequate resources exist in the club to implement the strategy
  • Develop a Seagulls Ambassadors program to utilise former Seagulls players and Tweed/SE Gold Coast based stars of the game as ambassadors
  • Partner with Government and NGO’s to resource Country week

How we will achieve our Objectives in 2018

ActionObjectiveDue DateStaff Responsible Our 2018 Targets
Community Strategic Plan
To include:
o Women in League
o Country Week
o Local Community
o Local Clubs
o Ambassadorial Program
Community Engagement and Social Inclusion July 2018CEO

Marketing and Partnerships Manager
• Launch Seagulls Ambassadorial Program in 2018
• Most successful Country Week in club history

People and Culture

Goal: To attract the best people to Seagulls and have a culture that all of staff, players, members and fans align themselves with


  • People – attracting, recruiting, developing and retaining talented and high performing people across all football and non-football operations to build capabilities and talent and retain a loyal and enthusiastic workforce
  • HR Practices – ensure we are dedicated to creating, updating and delivering comprehensive policies and programs
  • Code of Conduct – annual review of the Seagulls operations and practices to ensure that they continue to align with the QRL & National code of conduct
  • OH&S – ensure OH&S best practice is in place at the club

How we will achieve our Objectives in 2018

ActionObjectiveDue DateStaff Responsible Our 2018 Targets
• Undertake review and develop recommendations for the following:
o HR Practices
o Code of Conduct
o OH&S
o Board Structure
o Insurances
HR Practices
Code of Conduct
December 2018CEO• Compliance with QRL and industry best practice by end 2018
• Adopt and promote the new QRL values-based national code of conduct

Facilities and Infrastructure

Goal: To provide a best practice training and playing facilities for our players, coaches and staff and a venue that the community, our supporters, members, partners, sponsors and can be proud of


  • Multi-Purpose Facility – develop a Grants and Funding Action Plan for upgrade of Piggabeen Sports Complex – to include major one off grants (e.g. multi-purpose facility), one off grants and annual recurring grants.
  • Piggabeen Sports Complex – Develop a Masterplan for Piggabeen Sports Complex.
  • Tweed Shire Council – develop and formalise a long term partnership with Tweed Shire Council and secure their support for the masterplan
  • Partnerships – As per ‘Commercial Operations Above – strengthen existing partnerships and formulate new strategic partnerships to work identify and secure funding and support opportunities
  • Shared Utilisation – develop a Shared Utilisation of Piggabeen Sports Complex Action Plan that investigates partnerships and agreements with other clubs and community-based organisations for the utilisation of the facility

 How we will achieve our Objectives in 2018

ActionObjectiveDue DateStaff Responsible Our 2018 Targets
Stage One Piggabeen Sports Complex Upgrades
To include:
o Fencing removal and replacement
o Pitch relocation
o Temporary fencing (eastern touchline)
o New Goal Posts
Piggabeen Sports ComplexFebruary 2018CEO

Marketing and Partnerships Manager
• Stage One Piggabeen Sports Complex Upgrades complete prior to commencement of 2018 season
Implement Grants and Funding Action Plan (see Commercial Operations) Multi-Purpose FacilityNovember 2017 - ongoing Marketing and Partnerships Manager• DA for Multi-purpose Facility approved by Council
• Apply for Infrastructure Grant funding for multi-purpose facility in May 2018 round ($300-$500k)
• If unsuccessful reapply in later 2018 rounds or in other grant rounds.
• Secure additional grant funding e.g. equipment, marketing and promotion, events, training and development, technology
Develop Piggabeen Sports Complex Masterplan in conjunction with Tweed Shire CouncilPiggabeen Sports Complex

Tweed Shire Council
June 2018Marketing and Partnerships Manager
Town Planner
• Masterplan Published by June 2018
• Sign 3-5 year lease agreement with Tweed Shire Council for Piggabeen Sports Complex
Seek additional funding for other stages of Piggabeen Sports Complex Masterplan e.g. dressing sheds, parking.Piggabeen Sports Complex

Grants and Funding
June 2018 - ongoingMarketing and Partnerships Manager • Sources of funding identified by end 2018
Shared Utilisation of Piggabeen Sports Complex Action PlanPiggabeen Sports Complex

Grants and Funding
May 2018Marketing and Partnerships Manager • In principle agreement with other sports codes and community groups prior to submitting Infrastructure Grant