Published On: 11 August, 2022Categories: General

It was fitting that Lamar Manuel-Liolevave celebrated his 100th game for the Tweed Seagulls on our Legends Day. Tweed Seagulls past players and associates flocked to the grounds under the new ‘Legends’ banner and watched on proud to see the club in good hands.

When people speak of tradition and culture, it is important to note that the players and staff are the custodians. So for Legends to come back and witness the same loyalty they showed the club being mirrored is a significant moment for Seagulls.

Lamar epitomises the culture of the current playing group and the attitude they maintained during hard times. Whether it was the impact of the border closures or the recent floods, Ben Woolf, his coaching staff, assistants, and the playing group never looked for excuses and continued to work towards their goals on the field.

Before the match Lamar spoke of his gratitude towards Seagulls for helping him rediscover his love for the game and what the jersey meant to him. It is often said that the greatest compliment that a player can receive is from being the player others want to take the field with.

Congratulations Lamar we hope you are ready for 100 more!!


WOOD, James – 242

KING, Matt – 191

DAVIS, Brad – 154

MACCAN, Tim – 152

BARNES, Nathanael – 142

BERDIE, Selasi – 141

LEARY, Jake – 104


KINGSTON, Tom – 99